Wednesday, August 14, 2013

God in 10 Dimension

                                The 10th Dimension                                                                         Thomas A. Hendrickson                                                                                                                                        August 14, 2013

Joe exclaimed: Did you ever look at the stars on a cold crisp night and stand in awe. Who made all of that beauty.  It is so vast! Out of the sky comes the thundering answer 
        A booming voice out of the sky said: GOD! 

 Joe: What beauty. What vastness. What ingenuity. What power. Must have taken eons to build. 
Jim:  No. I hear it took just one BIG BANG.Big Bang
Joe: Well who made the bang?  
       A booming voice out of the sky said: GOD!
Jim: Well, some told me it was God.                                                                         Joe: Well, I have never seen this God that you are so sure about. He must be way off somewhere.
      A booming voice out of the sky said: GOD IS RIGHT HERE!          

Jim: Well, I don't see him, or hear him, so why should I believe in him.      
Joe: Well, he is the creator of the universe. He made the big bang.

Jim: What did he use? Those must have been some BIG FIRE CRACKERS
Joe: Well some smart guys called astronomers and scientist said he made it all out of  dimensions.

Jim:  What are dimensions ??????
 Joe: Well, you know that you and me live in 4 dimensions. Length, Width, Height and Time. We are just like a big New York skyscraper. If I had only had length and width, I would be like a piece of cardboard. If I had height, you could see me only if we were under the same time dimensions. I call these "earthly dimensions". Of course there is time, but it only goes in one direction - forward.

Jim: Well I cannot see God. Does he have any dimensions?
Joe: Yes, you are talking about heaven. Scientist estimate God must have 10 or more, maybe 15 or 20 dimensions. We don't know. On earth, today, we cannot see or experience any of the heavenly dimensions. You see in order for God to create the universe He and all other potential assistants had to be OUTSIDE the dimension that we humans use, the earth, and the universe. For example the builder of a house cannot be one of the boards. That requires a carpenter, an architect, a banker and plumber, all outside the house.
    Jim: Well, can God control all of his dimensions?                                                         Joe: Yes. All of His dimensions are for man's  benefit.

    Well, so much for the fun!!    Lets get serious.

    How Can God Do That?  This excerpt s a blog by Mr. Rich Deem     QUOTE: Christianity makes some rather remarkable claims about the abilities of God. From a human perspective, the idea that any being can do these kinds of actions seems preposterous. However, since God is "outside of the box," we need to think outside the box.

    Existing outside the box The Bible says that God exists outside the dimensions of this universe, creating both the spatial and temporal dimensions under which it operates. The God model described above shows that such an entity can see and interact with everything that happens in a lesser dimensional universe, such as ours. Not only can He interact anywhere within such a universe, but He can act at any time - past, present or future - during the history of that universe. God never runs out-of-time or is limited by it.  

     There is much evidence from both the Bible and from science that demonstrates God must exist and operate in dimensions of space and time other than those to which we are confined. God could not have created the universe if He were  a part of it. The Bible says the universe cannot contain Him  God exists outside the Universe. He invites me to believe in Him, become  part of His family FOR ETERNITY.

    According to particle physics and relativity, at least ten dimensions of space existed at the creation of the universe.Three of these dimensions (plus time) formed the space-time manifold that we can directly observe. The other six of these dimensions exist within the universe as incredibly compact dimensions of space. God 
    must be able to operate in all of those ten dimensions plus more in order to have created the universe. A verse from the book of Hebrews suggests God created the universe out of some of the dimensions of space and time which are not visible to us.

    The God of the Bible is invisible and cannot be seen except if He reveals Himself to us in a three-dimensional form that we can see. A being which exists in dimensions beyond our three spatial dimensions would be invisible to creatures (us) that can only exist in the confines of our universe.

                                   Acting outside of time                               The God of the Bible is described as omnipotent. If God were confined to three dimensions of space and one dimension of time, then He could be in only one place at one time. The God of the Bible is described as knowing all that we do. We can hide nothing from God. A three-not know what happens outside of his sight. God would not have the ability to see through walls (Can you?)  END QUOTE

    Age of the Universe

    The age of the Universe is the time elapsed since the Big Bang. The best measurement of the age of the Universe is 13.798±0.037 billion years (13.798±0.037×109 years.

    Age of the Earth
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

     The scientific measurement of the Earth is 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%).This age is based on evidence from radiometric age dating of meteorite material and is consistent with the ages of the oldest-known terrestrial and lunar samples.                                              

     Dimension of God
    There has been a lot of speculation about whether there could be intelligent beings in outer space. Some of this speculation has centered around the idea that these might be extra-dimensional beings. It turns out that the God of the Bible fits such a description.

     He can simultaneously hear and answer all the prayers that all people pray at all times. Not only that, but he can see all actions of all individuals - even those whose actions are done behind closed doors.
    When discussing the dimensions of Father God, it is clearly evident that He must transcend all dimensions of everything created. He cannot be empirically measured in the same manner that scientific measurements are made for the physical creation.

    First, He created the universe. To do so, He  had to transcend the dimensions used in the creation the universe. That would require that He must possess all elements found in the universe. He  probably exists in dimensions beyond the universe.  At present, I do not have data on that issue.

     Second, He created man. To do so He must be able to see us at all  of our dimensions consisting of length, breadth,depth, height and time. There is no part of our being from birth that He does know.

    Third, the Father must communicate with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Angels and us, his children.  The speculation is that the dimensions can exceed 21 and may go far more than that. Since we have no exact count of dimensions we do have to stand in awe and due respect for the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is a powerful yet loving force which is due all the love we can muster.   

    The Bible says that God exists outside the dimensions of this universe, creating both the spatial and temporal dimensions under which it operates. The God model described above shows that such an entity can see and interact with everything that happens in a lesser dimensional universe, such as ours. Not only can He interact anywhere within such a universe, but He can act at any time - past, present or future - during the history of that universe. God never runs out-of-time or is limited by it. God truly is amazing, and His abilities probably extend far beyond what has been described here.  Now that I am aware of God's eternal scope, I have a much greater appreciation of the  Trinity that they would put full force  of there endless love and power to want a relationship with me! Why should anyone say NO to such relationship with Almighty God who created  everything that exists.

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